Celestial Shootout is an arcade-style shooter in which the player maneuvers through an infinitely long and procedural space station in zero gravity. You fight off groups of different types of enemies whilst moving around only using the knockback of your gun to build and direct your moment as needed. The combination of managing momentum while shooting hordes of enemies makes it difficult.
I developed Celestial Shootout in C# from start to release in a week during a game development summer program I attended at George Mason University. The program challenged me to develop an entire game around a simple and single unique game mechanic, for which I chose gun-based player movement as mine. The game is a shooter but the only way you can move is by the knockback produced by firing your gun and there is no gravity. The game also features a generated-as-you-go style level that continues to generate new rooms as you procede and deletes old ones as you leave them allowing the game to go on forever.
This game can be downloaded by clicking the button below and following the link to my itch.io page where I published the game.